Sunday 19 September 2010


We woke up early for an 8.30am start knowing that a few of the hardcore drinkers had stayed up until very late so we expected top leave at 9 am.

I knocked on some of the hotel bedroom doors and entered, well, I've seen some sights and smells in my time but a bunch of guys after 55 miles then a curry then countless beers it was something I can only discuss with my therapist!!

The last to arise was Mark, our recycling bin, who was desperate to eat yet again after his sausage and chips which he had eaten at 2.30am in the morning. The sweat on his brow was pure alcohol and the thought of the short bike ride of 28 miles to Bath really didn't have anyone shuddering in their Lycra but I know after the previous nights' curry I needed to be at the front of the Peloton!!!

It was a pleasant ride on the Sunday morning as the sun was shining and the terrain really was much more pleasant, the Caen Hill locks is a sight to behold with the 43 locks down the hill. No one struggled whatsoever and we made Bath by lunchtime, the baguette shop at Bath spa station did a roaring trade with 19 riders hungry after a busy night before!

We were very lucky to be able to have SLOUGH INTERNATIONAL HAULAGE who supplied a free lorry to collect the 20 bikes from Bath to return them to Henley On Thames as British Rail refused us to take 20 bikes on the train for health and safety reasons, don't you just love public transport. It got even better with British Rail , we sat on the station with tired legs waiting for the 1.45pm train which was now delayed by 30 minutes for "Technical " reasons, could there be any other reason or was it too early in the season for leaves on the line or frozen tracks!!!!!
Then when we eventually boarded the train at 2.15 pm for the hours journey, we had to stand due to a packed train. I have to say I was dreaming of that hours train journey sitting in a seat sleeping but now with my nose firmly pushed into Bradley's armpit I knew it was going to be a long hour!!!!
So at 3pm we all arrived at Reading station to go home for a shower then onto the Maltsters Arms to have some food (supplied by that lovely pub) and drink and tell our family and friends our stories of the weekend.

I have to say it was a trip to remember and we are still collecting more, I think we are over £11,000 and its a BIG THANK YOU to the 19 riders that joined me for a ride which i will never forget, not just because of my great sister but the camaraderie of all the guys.


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