Friday 10 September 2010


Well Folks that's it!!! We had our last training session in the dark woods of Stoke Row last night with Simon Jarvis and his Techno mega expensive cycle lights looking like a landing strip at Heathrow, but it certainly was an illuminated moment!!!
Kevin was impressed with Simon's regular update, with the quote "its easy from here on in" as we climbed another steep hill. In fact, I thought Kevin was taking his bike for a walk at one point (only joking Kevin).
I have been amazed by the romantic stories of some guys excuses for not coming for some training, from putting up a new shed for the wife because "I've bought her a new mower" to those that are betrothed and are still trying to keep loved ones happy and our RBS bankers who can't find anyone to ride with just in case they ask for a loan again!!!!
Ed & James' company stumped up £250 yesterday and we have just broken the £5,000 barrier today on the main website, without others' Justgiving website, so we are heading towards £8,000 hoping to crack £10,000 when everyones sponsorship comes in .
Dont forget your Vaseline & Energy bars tomorrow (not to be taken orally at the same time) and for the ex copper (who retired at 49 through hard work and was given a commendation for retrieving a dog once!) we will have Mars Bars in the support vehicle and plenty of water. The other copper who is great & still working at the Met does actually arrest people, "Nick, can you deal with my speeding fine????"....

See you all tomorrow

Your Beloved Landlord

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