Wednesday 8 September 2010


Well guys, 3 days to go before the epic journey through numerous counties en route to the oasis of the Wadsworth Brewery on Saturday afternoon hopefully.

I decided to do this ride with Simon Jarvis (he's the mountain bike freak with the equivalent formula 1 bike). His bike is worth more than my van but you can't lie down in the back of his bike!!!!

Anyway, after the initial decision to ride, it sort of snowballed into more of a "Tour de France" field with now 20 riders all looking as Louis Armstrong, No!!!! I meant to say Lance Armstrong!!!!

A few guys that work in the corporate field have purchased bikes on the "ride to work" scheme but I haven't seen them riding to work, in fact, more likely to see an honest Pakistani Test Team than James and Ed cycling to Oxford to work.

There have been a few purchase of extra equipment, Ipods to avoid conversation with Bankers and Hedge Fund Managers, expensive tight Lycra to show of Ed's imminent pregnancy or investment in beer (unsure) and couldn't forget Mark's latest Carbon Fibre Streamline Ashtray to connect to the handlebars.

Training has been going well for those that have been leaving and returning to the pub as I have seen a great increase in the sales of Peroni !!!!!!!!

Terribly thirst quenching this mountain biking!

Enough from me for now

Peter - your beloved Landlord

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