Monday 13 September 2010


Ive heard of this expression 'Hitting the wall' on a marathon, but only ever done it drinking beer, but I think I hit the wall on Saturday after about 45 miles when the next checkpoint never seemed to appear around the next bend, the wet grass and muddy ruts were making pace very slow and my legs even heavier, but James & Simon kept me going not through rippling conversation that had disappeared for the moment until we could reach our destiny.
We had some interesting injuries en route with Tony (our tall man of the group) that managed to headplant into an overhanging branch which took him off his bike, resulting injury was hole in his helmet and the knock sadly didn't knock any sense into him as he's still a Man Utd fan.
We managed to have one injury which put Ed in the support vehicle and sadly he never made Devizes on his bike but in the back of Scottys BMW X5 ,OH What a luxury.
Darryl our Chris Hoy of the group managed to hit a Dalmatian at 20mph which caused him to brake hard and over he went on the handlebars with resulting bleeding leg and broken right brake on his bike, I know you're more interested in the health of the dog and yes he was fine, just got a few spots knocked off him(terrible joke!!!!)

So by 4pm we had all arrived at Wadsworth brewery with 2 exceptions one in an X5 with injured knee and Mark still on the route doing his own pace and stopping every 15 minutes for fag and chat with New Age travellers living on canal boats. He eventually arrived to applause from the rest of us that were on our 4th pint.


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